My Experiments in Telekinesis is updated :: Please join the venture

Email : Skype ID : anish.v.r

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Experiment 1 : Mirror Reflection of psi wheel

I have done an experiment, whether psi wheel can be rotated looking in to its image formed
on a mirror.

psi wheel roation in a lateral shifted image

For this , Place a plane mirror near to psi wheel on the same table (place mirror vertically)

Place a card board in such a manner that, the tk person, can see only the reflected image.

Looking on the image, start rotating it.  Result was amazing.

* Since the image is laterally rotated in a mirror, It made some initial confusion to mind.
 Finally  it could move the wheel.
 (I suggest not to do this for more time, because it may affect the previous mind training
  of tk person)

TK can be done with psi wheel, looking at it virtual image on a mirror

Add on : you can use a second mirror to reflect. So the final image is not
laterally rotated.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Tell a story to get the psi wheel rotate


No exam duty today.  I could rotate CW once


Low speed rotation.  Energy and concentration is less.  Any way trying again at night.

I could rotate in CW about 2 min.  "PSI wheel is like a child.  You can not (or difficult) ask to do something with him/her forcefully. 

 For example: if you want to give him food, you can not do it forcefully.  He will refuse to your angry words.  Child like stories and hallucinations.  Tell him a story and  he (psi wheel) is more 
interested on such thing."   You also like stories and telling stories, is it ?

It was  very interesting session and I love it.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Rotating in CW

I could rotate psi wheel in CW.  To start with I could do only CW. I think it need more study
to do both alternately.

CW rotation

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Making and rotating new psi wheel

Today done Qigong  warm up exercise and energy exercise before going to exam duty.
Afternoon I got lot of time to practice psi wheel.  I made 3re psi wheel, short but lenthy type.  I practice in 'Newton disk type' psi wheel made out of paper, in size of CD, which was colored by cryons.

I could continuously rotate the new wheel in Clock wise direction and anti clockwise direction. Yet full control is expected to study very soon,

Monday, 18 March 2013

Making new psi wheel


Today evening during training, recoded two videos of doing telekinesis.  I tried with a semi spherical bowl.

 I tried with a plastic straw which is cut at the middle for pivoting on pointed needle.
It found to be more sensitive to mind wave.  Since it is very friction less.  The other thing is straw is very sensitive to static and very small
air current.  Presently it is not working under bowl.

It is taking a long time to change my mind to trans state.  The training should be done  in such a mind set. Once it is set, we can move object.

1. Feel the energy flow, through hand/tips of fingers
2.concentrate any point on the psi wheel

9PM: I seach you tube videos in telekinesis.  I happened to see a video of a small boy (you tube id: )
performing very good in psi wheel. His video title was 'my first trial on psi wheel'.  It was unbelievable
at the first trial and there were many comments on this.  The boy replayed to one of them that he is practicing mediation and 'chi going
'. That is probably helping him for the big start.

I search about 'chi going' and found some videos, of accruing energy and storing in our body for later use (just like rechargeable battery)
I downloaded four videos related to 'chi going'


Today is Sunday.  I have a late night sleep yesterday. But I raise up early.
Later after having tea, me and my son together do the meditation. I feel very energetic.
I made two psi wheels out of aluminum wrapper, on the chocolate bar.
After breakfast, tested them in chi going method.  The result was amazing.  psi wheel rotate
in continuous manner with an extra push. And this need no very forceful concentration.
After lunch, we have a play with psi wheel. This time we listen to some music for mind relaxation.
I recorded a video with two psi wheels placed side by side.  I concentrate on the golden one to rotate.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

video on 15/3/2013

I took a video on 15/3/2013 on practicing on psi wheel

I think this happens only a particular mind set, mind in a so called trans state
A state on mind , which take less importance to surroundings.
I used a table lamp to light up the wheel only, so that I get my attention
on the wheel.

Practice psi wheel daily


today is Holiday for me.  Morning gone to Kodungaloor with wife and returned afternoon , back home.
All were at home. Hot day. Family resting at bedroom. Father and mother having food and watching TV.
Today to start with. I am going to make my first 'kinetic machine'.

Low weight, Low friction
 with a very little torque
Keep in mind to mind on it
 can make it move

I worked on psi wheel only 5min.

5PM: Busy day till evening, Now sitting for evening tea. Planning to work with psi wheel
after 6pm. See some recorded videos on telekinesis.

9PM: At evening 6pm-7pm, I could practice on psi wheel along at my room.  It was hot day
I close the doors and windows, It make more warm inside.
I began to sweat.  I tried to start practice. I thought air coming out from my nose is making some
motion in psi wheel.  So i took a towel and wound around my face.  Mean while I gained concentration
and found it more enjoying.

I feel(began to imagine) that energy passing through my hands in between and the natural energy of pasi wheel paper
are synchronizing. So that they are part of one other.
Then the happiest thing happened.  With my finger move, the wheel paper also move.  the moment, I can not describe in words.
i think it took about 1/2 hours since I started practice. I was about to conclude the session, when it occurred for the first motion.

I naturally decided to continue. i took some rest during practice. But the whole session was all the way interesting.
Gaining confidence is a happy thing, is it ?
Now I am going to make an email id in    g mail and start blog.  The blog is for updating psi wheel practice progress daily basis.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Day before starting my Training on psi wheel


Today there was no online tuition, because Shibin (student form UK) was not shone up in skype for the 10pm class.  While I was waiting for him, just started browsing through youtube videos.  my searches finaly settled on the topic 'Telekinesis'.  Telekinesis is a way of moving (mechanical motion) small objects with mind force, as I understood by now.

There were many videos the demonstrate the motion of a small folded square piece of paper pivoted
centrally at the tip of a needle, fixed vertically.

I was interested on the topic and took a decision to practice 'telekinesis' every day.

It is said that practicing daily about 1/2 hr is needed. The results may delayed, that depends on
person to person.  I strongly be leave that it is possible for me. I am going to make an email ID
 so that, the results of my daily practice can be updated in blog, youtube, profile etc.

God bless