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Thursday, 29 August 2013

chi air push

PSI energy can be used to push air molecules in a particular direction.  This will seem to be
similar to air flow, but it is guided by chi energy.

You can see also feel the difference between chi air flow and normal air flow.

This requires visualization and feeling of chi flow through the palm.  This is more easy than
doing with psi wheel, because flow is done in less an a second, while psi wheel is done
in a continuous manner, and every time, it require psi flow.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Guiding energy in one direction

Guiding energy through the small finger.

During my TK training, I noticed that when all my fingers are stretched out, like grabbing a large ball
..and when rotated in ACW, the energy is collecting on my small finger. 

 The energy is beaming out and is not spreading away to all directions. 

Beaming energy is more useful because it can be transferred to much longer distance, than spread out energy. (It is just like Omni directional antenna and unidirectional antenna in radio transmitters)