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Monday, 22 September 2014

Inverted Psi wheel

I have tried to rotate an inverted psi wheel.  I could rotate it.  It is done the same way as
normal psi wheel.

How to make inverted psi wheel:

Take a rectangular shaped aluminum foil. bend it  along the length so as to look like
a concave shape. To support the wheel, use a bulb. Since bulb is made of glass,
it has good finished/smooth surface and due to the spherical shape, it has surface of contact at a single point.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Thin sheet Psi Wheel

I found an aluminum sheet circular in shape.  It was the air tight sealing sheet for the milk power container.
It was much thicker and heavier than aluminum foil.  Aluminum foil when used as psi wheel , weigh less than
1 gram.  But this one is heavier than that.

I could rotate the psi wheel, in both direction.

When started rotation, the rational inertia keeps the wheel rotate in the same direction.

I think this experiment, help me to feel the connection. I could feel the invisible tension force
between fingers and the psi wheel.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Compare outside and inside psi wheel

I got up early today. Sun was not up. There was less noise on terse.
I started meditation. After 20 mins, still sun is not up yet, because it was lot of
rain clouds in sky.

I started practice with psi wheel. I recorded a videos, placing psi wheel
inside and outside a plastic jar.  I notice that it is easy to do the inside psi wheel
when mind is fresh and there is less noise around.

I sit on my chair, whose  height can be adjusted using a lever (computer chair)
I adjusted such that, my palms can easily curl around the wheel which is on the
table.  At this position, the solar plux is in the same level of psi wheel.

I could rotate the wheel in both ways.  Rotating directly is much easier than that when
placed inside.

The inside rotations are more reliable, because It start rotate only when I am
in the correct mind set / correct trace state.

In both case the friction is the same.  Inside case will work only with energy
flow beyond a threshold limit.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Fliping a folded paper with psi

This one need concentration and trans state of mind and motion of the hands
All synchronized together to show an action.